Distribution Authorization Agreement
HHO Plus, Energias Alternativas, Lda declares that its products are manufactured according to the correct procedures, norms and rules established within the European Community for the manufacture of small tension equipments and states that it has a product warranty for the products that do not perform correctly due to defect caused by faulty material or workmanship.
Since proper use and correct installation is beyond control of the HHO Plus Lda and the reseller, they shall not be liable for any consequential or other damage remedy. The HHO Plus, Energias Alternativas Lda sole obligation and exclusive remedy are limited to product replacement.
Therefore, HHO Plus, Energias Alternativas, Lda do not assume any responsibilities for damages, human and/or economic, resulting from improper installation of its products, operator´s negligence or misuse of its products and/or attachments.
The resellers are responsible for creating and implanting the necessary conditions for the correct installation of the HHO Plus products and is obliged to inform its customers that they are buying electrolysis units producing oxihydrogen, an volatile flammable gas, and therefore, extreme caution must be used at all times, keeping the gas away from any sort of ignition source.
Any reseller must verify the compatibility of the sales and the installation of HHO Plus products with each country legislation. HHO Plus Lda will not be liable for any consequential or other damage remedy